The so called king of beneficial planets Jupiter will turn retrograde on 8th at the cusp of leo. It will move back to second quarter of poorvaphalguni from first quarter of uttarafalguni. So this movement will be in stars of Venus and sun only. Retrograde planets give varied results and sometimes strange results. This time Jupiter will be conjoined with rahu, but that I will be covering in a separate article. They will be moving just 2 degrees apart and on 9th may the difference will be 5 degrees only so this will be a very interesting transit to observe. On 25th June they will be degree conjunct and this one week before and after will be very interesting to watch over.
Those who are running the dasa bhukti or the antara of Jupiter will experience the maximum effects or those natives who have Jupiter as the star lord of their DBA lord. The natal effects of this transit of Jupiter will be:
Aries: If you have retrograde Jupiter in your natal chart then this transit will prove to be good for your romantic affairs. Your pending works and payments might be fetched in this time. You may make friends with someone offshore. Luck will be inclined towards you. You may strike a deal with people out of your town. If you do not have retro Jupiter in your chart then you can experience opposite of the above said things.
Taurus: Your self esteem will be boosted if Jupiter is retrograde in your natal chart. Matters related to property and inheritance will move further. Friends will be supportive and they will help you in realizing your goals. Many of your pending tasks will be completed. If Jupiter is direct in your horoscope then you will experience not so good things in the same matters.
Gemini: If you have retro Jupiter in your horoscope then you will have goodness in personal life, there will be short travels due to work. Your work load will increase but your performance will improve accordingly. Your seniors will have good opinion about you. Avoid any conflicts with them. If you have direct Jupiter then there will be stagnancy in above matters.
Cancer: There will be gain of money from far off lands; you will have new relations from abroad or other towns. You will see that there is lot of support from people around and things are getting pretty easier than before. If you have direct Jupiter then you will have just opposite effect.
Leo: Love matters will be progressing and there will be overall goodness in them if your natal Jupiter was retrograde. You will be able to make money from speculation but not very much. Your business and work will be progressive and you will become more popular in your circle. If you have direct Jupiter in your natal chart then effects will be quite dull.
Virgo: There will be improvement in your interpersonal relations, the understanding will get better. You will have good moments with your spouse and family. There will be some good expenses on your property. Your business will expand further to newer places. Work will be good. If you have retrograde Jupiter in your natal chart otherwise expect opposite result.
Libra: There will be recovery from some old disease. You will have support of your brothers and sisters. There will be gain of money and reputation to you. If you are looking for job then you may get in this time. You will do fruitful travels to nearby places. Someone older will prove to be of immense help. Legal matters will be favorable. If you have direct Jupiter in your natal chart then the effects will not be so good for you.
Scorpio: If you have retrograde Jupiter at the time of your birth then this transit will give you financial gains, success in love matters. Your meditative capabilities will enhance. You will have spiritual inclination. These good things will subside to great extent if you have direct Jupiter when you were born.
Sagittarius: A fruitful religious travel is likely; your father will have gains during this time. You may make abroad travels. There will be some expenses on house renovation or vehicle up gradation. Your self confidence will boost up and health will be very good. If you do not have retrograde Jupiter at your time of birth then expect reverse in this time.
Capricorn: you may see a new relation brewing up in this time and there will be some sudden gains to you. You will get relief from some old diseases. You will make purchases and there will some good occasions in your family. All this will not happen if you had direct Jupiter in your birth chart.
Aquarius: There will be good relations with spouse. If you are going through separation etc then this is the time when you can come closer. You will get positive vibes about your life partner. Business people will see progress and relations with overall family members will improve. If Jupiter is direct in your birth chart then this will not happen as it is.
Pisces: You will get good health and there will be dominance on enemies. You will perform well in your work place and there will be gains to people in business. A good time to seek job change if you are fed up with your present company. Some natives may experience slight problem in day to day health. If you have direct Jupiter in your birth chart then results will not be so good.
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Those who are running the dasa bhukti or the antara of Jupiter will experience the maximum effects or those natives who have Jupiter as the star lord of their DBA lord. The natal effects of this transit of Jupiter will be:
Aries: If you have retrograde Jupiter in your natal chart then this transit will prove to be good for your romantic affairs. Your pending works and payments might be fetched in this time. You may make friends with someone offshore. Luck will be inclined towards you. You may strike a deal with people out of your town. If you do not have retro Jupiter in your chart then you can experience opposite of the above said things.
Taurus: Your self esteem will be boosted if Jupiter is retrograde in your natal chart. Matters related to property and inheritance will move further. Friends will be supportive and they will help you in realizing your goals. Many of your pending tasks will be completed. If Jupiter is direct in your horoscope then you will experience not so good things in the same matters.
Gemini: If you have retro Jupiter in your horoscope then you will have goodness in personal life, there will be short travels due to work. Your work load will increase but your performance will improve accordingly. Your seniors will have good opinion about you. Avoid any conflicts with them. If you have direct Jupiter then there will be stagnancy in above matters.
Cancer: There will be gain of money from far off lands; you will have new relations from abroad or other towns. You will see that there is lot of support from people around and things are getting pretty easier than before. If you have direct Jupiter then you will have just opposite effect.
Leo: Love matters will be progressing and there will be overall goodness in them if your natal Jupiter was retrograde. You will be able to make money from speculation but not very much. Your business and work will be progressive and you will become more popular in your circle. If you have direct Jupiter in your natal chart then effects will be quite dull.
Virgo: There will be improvement in your interpersonal relations, the understanding will get better. You will have good moments with your spouse and family. There will be some good expenses on your property. Your business will expand further to newer places. Work will be good. If you have retrograde Jupiter in your natal chart otherwise expect opposite result.
Libra: There will be recovery from some old disease. You will have support of your brothers and sisters. There will be gain of money and reputation to you. If you are looking for job then you may get in this time. You will do fruitful travels to nearby places. Someone older will prove to be of immense help. Legal matters will be favorable. If you have direct Jupiter in your natal chart then the effects will not be so good for you.
Scorpio: If you have retrograde Jupiter at the time of your birth then this transit will give you financial gains, success in love matters. Your meditative capabilities will enhance. You will have spiritual inclination. These good things will subside to great extent if you have direct Jupiter when you were born.
Sagittarius: A fruitful religious travel is likely; your father will have gains during this time. You may make abroad travels. There will be some expenses on house renovation or vehicle up gradation. Your self confidence will boost up and health will be very good. If you do not have retrograde Jupiter at your time of birth then expect reverse in this time.
Capricorn: you may see a new relation brewing up in this time and there will be some sudden gains to you. You will get relief from some old diseases. You will make purchases and there will some good occasions in your family. All this will not happen if you had direct Jupiter in your birth chart.
Aquarius: There will be good relations with spouse. If you are going through separation etc then this is the time when you can come closer. You will get positive vibes about your life partner. Business people will see progress and relations with overall family members will improve. If Jupiter is direct in your birth chart then this will not happen as it is.
Pisces: You will get good health and there will be dominance on enemies. You will perform well in your work place and there will be gains to people in business. A good time to seek job change if you are fed up with your present company. Some natives may experience slight problem in day to day health. If you have direct Jupiter in your birth chart then results will not be so good.
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