Tuesday, 30 August 2016

पैसों की है तंगी या प्रमोशन का है इंतज़ार... करें बस ये एक काम

आधुनिक जीवनशैली में जहां एक ओर सुविधाएं बढ़ी हैं तो वहीं परेशानियों में भी काफी बढ़ोत्‍तरी हो गई है। किसी को धन की कमी है तो किसी को नौकरी में प्रमोशन का इंतज़ार है। कोई पारिवारिक कलह से परेशान है तो कोई लव लाइफ में खुशियां पाना चाहता है। आज हम आपको ऐसे ही कुछ सामान्‍य समस्‍याओं के उपायों के बारे में बताते हैं -:

पैसों की तंगी दूर करने के लिए

बुधवार के दिन किसी भी समय जब कोई किन्नर नज़र आए तो उसे अपने सामर्थ्‍य के अनुसार कुछ रुपए आदि भेंट करें। संभव हो तो उसे भोजन भी कराएं। इसके बाद उस किन्नर से आप एक सिक्का मांग लें। इस सिक्के को अपने गल्ले, कैश बॉक्स या धन स्थान पर रख दें। कुछ ही दिनों में आप स्‍वयं महसूस करेंगें कि आपकी समस्या का समाधान हो रहा है।

प्रमोशन पानी है तो

बुधवार की सुबह श्रीगणेश की पीले रंग की मूर्ति की पूजा करें। पूजन में श्रीगणेश को हल्दी की पांच गठान श्री गणाधिपतये नम: मंत्र का उच्चारण करते हुए चढ़ाएं। इसके बाद 108 दूर्वा पर गीली हल्दी लगाकर श्री गजवकत्रम नमो नम: का जाप करके चढ़ाएं। यह उपाय हर बुधवार को करने से आपकी नौकरी में पदोन्‍नति होने की प्रबल संभावना है।

वैवाहिक जीवन में कलह

जब आपके पति गहरी नींद में सोए हों, तब एक नारियल, सात गोमती चक्र और थोड़ा-सा गुड़ लेकर इन सभी सामग्री को एक पीले कपड़े में बांध लें। अब इस पोटली को अपने पति के ऊपर से सात बार उतार कर बहते हुए जल में प्रवाहित कर दें। इसके अलावा प्रतिदिन सूर्य को अर्घ्य दें और अपनी मनोकामना की पूर्ति की प्रार्थना करें।

Read Your Free Today's Horoscope (30-August-2016)

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Pisces Horoscope 2017 – AstroVidhi Prediction

The year will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August. It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017. It will get retrograde on 6thFebruary and will become direct on 9th June. Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries. After that it has a smooth motion forward. It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July. I will be telling you the major things you can expect this year and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier. Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service.
  • Family LifePisces Horoscope 2017 For a long time, exalted Venus will be placed in your ascendant. This will be good for your interpersonal relations in the family and with near and dear ones. Jupiter will be aspecting your ascendant which is its own sign. This will be another good thing till September 12th. You will have cordial relations with your spouse. There will less of irritating things in your life if you are going through the period of Jupiter. Those with Saturn DBA will also see a easy year going round but those with Rahu-Ketu DBA will face mental tensions in their family life. Although there will be aspect of Jupiter but still problems will persist.

Read Your Free Today's Horoscope (24-August-2016)

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

25th August 2016, Venus Transit In Virgo – Know It’s Effects

Venus transit is taking place from Leo to Virgo on 25th of August, 2016. The Transit will have its auspicious and inauspicious effects on each zodiac. Let’s have look on them –

Aries – You will face problems  due to your anger. You will spend money on luxurious things. Your father will gain. Husband and wife can go on a trip. 

Taurus – The time is good for trade and business. There is a possibility of winning in politics. You will be profited due to females. You will make new contacts.

Gemini – There is a possibility of delays in important work. You will be profited in share market. Workplace will go perfect. You may make new friends.

Cancer – The time is good for donation and charity at religious places. You will be admired and honored by seniors. Your respect for mother will increase. 

Leo – There may arise obstacles at your workplace. You may involve yourself in secret affairs. Your tone of speaking may trap you in trouble.

Virgo – You will be soft and sweet with others. You will be all laughing and smiling with others. You may face health related problems. 

Read Your Free Today's Horoscope (23-August-2016)

Monday, 22 August 2016

16th August, Sun Will Transit In Leo – Know It’s Effects

On 17th of August, 2016, Sun will transit from Cancer to Leo. The transit will effect each zodiac differently. Let’s have a look on them –

Aries – You will be strong mentally. You will be able to create new ideas and progress in your career. The time is good for students.

Taurus – You may buy a new vehicle. Take care of your mother’s health. You will achieve success in job after a lot of hard work.

Gemini – Your self confidence will be boosted. You will progress at workplace. The time is good for family relations. 

Cancer – You need to control your tone. Your expenses will increase. This will bring an imbalance in your budget. 

Leo – Your married life will not be at peace. Your hard work will give you success socially.

Virgo – The transit is not good for you. Your expenses will increase and you may face health related problems. 

9th September, Mercury Transit In Libra – Know It’s Effects

Mercury will transit from Virgo to Libra on 9th of September, 2016. Mercury transit will affect your sign in many ways. Let’s have a look on them –

Aries – You may face stress and disturbance in your mind. You need to give time to your children and be polite with them. This transit will bring some negative aspects with it so better be alert. 

Taurus –It is advised that you should balance yourself in the family. The time is perfect to sit and resolve family issues. Take time and plan your future. You will be profited in business. 

Gemini – You may save money and go for shopping with your love partner. Conversations are important this time. The time is perfect for love proposals.

Cancer – You will feel distressed and disturbed by thinking again and again about one topic. Be polite and concerned towards others else, you may face problems due to your harsh nature.

Leo – You need to be patient and calm. You will not be able to focus on your work. You will become talkative and people will get entertained from you. The time is good for married life.

Virgo – Work delays will make you stressed. Politeness is the key to heart. Be polite and soft in your words. People will admire you for this. Celebration and hang outs are possible with friends. 

Read Your Free Daily Horoscope (22-August-2016)